- amy

The inner child  journal  introduced me to the prospect of  healing my
inner childhood
finally i could heal my trauma & set myself free.

- chloe

everything i needed to build my self-confidence was included in the
self-confidence journal. The resources at whole living co have changed my outlook on life.

- hannah

Th  body image  & nourish journals combined, has completely changed the way i view my body & body image.
thank you so much reina & whole living co

- Sophie

Learning how to set healthy boundaries has taught me it's never too late to make a positive change in my life.
I  now feel i have the ability to trust my own decisions. 


6 Modalities, 18 lessons in total to show you that there is a different way to live..

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A loving invitation for you to awaken to deep self love, heal, transform & return to your wholeness..

I’m baby flexitarian organic before they sold out freegan subway tile cardigan forage pabst selfies pug shabby chic pok pok intelligentsia try-hard live-edge. Kinfolk distillery direct trade, small batch leggings kitsch jean shorts iceland deep v fanny pack franzen cronut. Truffaut meggings la croix cliche forage photo booth brunch trust fund meditation shabby chic prism


- chloe

Everything I needed to heal was included in this course. I was able to discover how to create healthy boundaries, start a journaling practice and the importance of saying NO!
Reina has taught me the power of thinking positive thoughts and how to love and value myself. Thank you so much Reina, I feel like a new woman and I am hopeful for my future.

The greatest gift you can give yourself is that of
Self-Transformation, & everyone benefits.

- Hannah

A lack of compassion for myself and an unhealthy body image has kept me trapped in my own body since childhood. Understanding the difference between nourishing my body  and the need to diet has helped me make healthy new choices. The body image lesson, combined with the nutrition lesson has completely changed the way I view my. body.

Embrace the wholeness of your life with a healthy holistic lifestyle practice. 


The entirety of the course is available immediately to study at a pace that suits you.
I do however recommend taking your time to work through each module and exercise.
This course can be revisited as many times as you like, depending on what you want your desired outcome to be. What you put into the course, you will get out.


I truly believe that what you put into your life, you will get back. 
Providing you put in all of the work, you will see a transformational change, begin to heal, expand and evolve.
The Art of Self-Care is a holistic lifestyle method, a daily lifestyle practice.
It is a lifestyle, not a quick fix.

Will this course work?

Commit to nothing and you'll be distracted by everything is my motto in life. There will never be a perfect time and you may never feel ready.
The truth is we tend to make time for the things we enjoy. A Return The Art of Self-Care is an embodied journey towards creating and living a life of feeling whole. You have a choice to choose you and evolve, or put it off and stay stuck. 

is there a perfect time to sign up as my life is pretty busy at the moment?

NO. This course and its entirety is yours to keep for life. The Art of Whole Living is a journey and a practice that you can use for your lifetime. 
Once you've completed the modules you will be able to choose to revisit some or all of them. Each time you revisit them you will learn something new. You will dive deeper, rise higher, and heal even more.

Does this course expire?

No there are no refunds due to the fact that I am offering the course at a hugely discounted price with the intention of helping as many people as possible. 
Remember you are worthy of investing In yourself and when you invest in your self- development everybody benefits. 

Am i able to refund the course if i am unhappy?